Calling all business heads, to mentor and help entrepreneurs to succeed

Transfer your entrepreneurial passion  
by mentoring and swapping ideas

Share your experience
with new entrepreneurs
Join a solidarity movement
of 14,000 business heads with a human face
Get involved in our local ecosystem
by becoming a member of a Réseau Entreprendre association
Boost your own business efficiency
through Réseau Entreprendre meetings and events
Réseau Entreprendre’s Laureates receive mentoring from a business head volunteer, for two years. Use this close relationship to share your experience and support new entrepreneurs to achieve success!

“As a supporter, I help Laureates to step back and look at things in perspective, and I’ve realised that it’s helped me to do exactly the same in my own business,”

Christophe Lefort, member of Réseau Entreprendre Paris

You wish to make a commitment
with Réseau Entreprendre?