Networking means being part of a community of committed entrepreneurs

Réseau Entreprendre was originally founded by business heads committed to working together in their region. Thirty years on, the association has expanded and cloned itself in France and internationally while retaining its human-facing and mutually supportive DNA. Our movement is now a community of 14,000 entrepreneurs.

Talking with entrepreneurs with shared values

Growing your business in a network like ours, means contributing your energy and skills to a noble cause, which is job creation. It also means sharing unique values, conviviality and solidarity.




Numerous opportunities for meeting local and international entrepreneurs as well as the entire international community getting together at the biannual conferences “Réseau Entreprendre Biennale”.

A social network to promote solidarity among entrepreneurs

Being part of Réseau Entreprendre means being committed to a vision of business heads as positive and practical contributors to regional economic development. Thanks to our regional connections, Réseau Entreprendre members can get involved in their local communities and create relationships of trust to grow this remarkable solidarity.

Encouraging the exchange of ideas and facilitating contacts between its members is a priority for Réseau Entreprendre. That’s why in 2016, an internal social network was set up, open exclusively to members of the Réseau Entreprendre community in France and abroad : Workplace by Facebook is proving to be extremely productive.

Workplace by Réseau Entreprendre : the first social network for engaged entrepreneurs!

– Enjoy access to a community of 14,000 entrepreneurs
– Share experiences and best practices with members of the network
– Keep up to date with the latest news in the entrepreneurial world and our association

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